Snap Circuits STEM Program, Grades 6-8

SKU: W390291 SCSF68
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W390291 SCSF68

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Fully-supported digital STEM and CTE curriculum providing 1,000s of hours of lessons, quizzes, tests, and multimedia content to deliver a robust learning of STEM principles including electronics, circuits, STEM careers, and more. Adaptable to various LMSs and fully COPPA compliant. Enriches students with STEM, CTE, digital curriculum, and hands-on activity kits. Appropriate for entry-level science educators and STEM-certified teachers who want to dive deeper into tech with their students.

  • Standards aligned (STEM, NGSS, CTE, ELA, & AFNR), cross-curricular digital content
  • Student career exploration, resources, and projects
  • Digital ‘Getting Started’ Resources & Guides
  • Comprehensive support provided for all educators and staff

Grades: 6-8

6 Circuit Kits
4 Alternative Energy Kits
4 Coding Rover Kits