A car’s ignition gives it the spark of life—but, as any good technician knows, figuring out how ignition and fuel systems really work isn’t that simple. This video sheds light on the daunting maintenance challenges found in ignition distributors, distributorless ignition systems, and fuel systems.
Viewers learn about diagnosing problems with several components—including distributors, distributor caps, distributor rotors, spark plugs, and spark plug wires—and how to build an ignition system.
The next section covers the computers, triggering devices, coil packs, modules, and other elements of a distributorless ignition system, while the subsequent chapter looks at fuel pumps, fuel injectors, fuel filters, fuel pressure tests, injector testing, and more.
32 mins.
Correlates to ASE and NATEF standards.
A viewable/printable instructor’s guide including an ASE/NATEF task correlation checklist is available online.
A part of the Engine Performance ASE Certification Series.
Instructional DVDs, Videos and Software are nonreturnable.