A great auto technician isn’t just a “gear head.” He or she needs keen analytical thinking skills to diagnose engine problems. This video guides car techs at all instructional levels in strategic engine diagnosis and the components of a car’s intake system, exhaust system, and emissions controls.
Viewers are shown testing procedures for power balance, compression, cylinder leakage, oil pressure, and other engine checks; a clear explanation of volumetric efficiency; the mechanics of turbo-chargers and super-chargers; how to interpret the results of a five-gas analysis in real time; how to check the EGR valve in an EVAP system; and much more.
34 mins.
Correlates to ASE and NATEF standards.
A viewable/printable instructor’s guide including an ASE/NATEF task correlation checklist is available online.
A part of the Engine Performance ASE Certification Series.
Instructional DVDs, Videos and Software are nonreturnable.