The Prismacolor Premier Turquoise Graphite Drawing Set contains an assortment of tools well-suited for a wide variety of projects. This set of high-quality graphite pencils includes Premier Turquoise Graphite Pencils for drawing and shading, Premier Woodless Graphite Pencils for broad coverage, and Premier Water-Soluble Graphite Pencils for flowing textures.
7 Premier Turquoise Graphite Pencils (6H, 4H, 2H, B, 2B, 6B, 8B)
4 Premier Woodless Graphite Pencils (2B, 4B, 6B, 8B)
3 Premier Water-Soluble Graphite Pencils (HB, 4B, 8B)
1 Magic Rub Vinyl Eraser
1 kneaded rubber eraser
1 steel sharpener
1 sanding board