Due to special pricing available exclusively to our school customers, this item is not available for purchase to our non-school customers at the price listed. Every effort will be made to sell this item at the lowest available price to our non-school customers. Please call us at (800) 831-5904 or email us at web@midwesttechnology.com.
This 6" Jointer features a helical cutterhead with 40 four-sided indexable carbide knife inserts – this design provides a superior finish and quieter operation compared to conventional cutterheads, and the inserts require no adjustment once they are installed. If a knife insert becomes nicked, simply rotate it for a fresh edge and continue working. Oversized infeed/outfeed tables are mounted on dovetailed ways. The fence is 38" in length, with positive stops at 90° and 45° right and left. The fine/quick adjustment lever on the infeed table offers quick set-ups with precision controlled depth of cut. The heavy steel stand features a 1 HP motor with a non-slip v-belt drive for maximum performance. The 4" dust port offers easy connection to any dust collection system.
Type of Cutterhead: Helical
Number of Knives: 40 Four-Sided Carbide Helical Inserts
Cutterhead Diameter: 2-1/2"
Cutterhead Speed: 6,000 rpm
Cutting Capacity: 6"W x 1/2"D
Table Size: 66"L x 7-1/4"W
Table Height from Floor: 31-1/2"
Infeed Table Length: 32-1/2"
Outfeed Table Length: 32-1/2"
Fence Size: 38"L x 4-3/4"H
Fence Tilt: 45° Forward, 45° Backward
Fence Positive Stops: 45°, 90°, -45°
Dust Collection Minimum CFM Required: 600
Dust Port Outside Diameter: 4"
Motor Power: 1 HP
Motor Phase: 1
Motor Voltage : 115/230
Prewired Voltage: 115
Motor Current: 13/6.5 amps
Recommended Circuit Size: 20/10 amps
Includes 2 push blocks.