Built on a base of steel constructed Foundation Storage Lockers and topped with a heavy-duty 2-1/4" maple work surface, this Multi-Locker Work Bench is tough and made to last. Use work benches in shops, labs, or make a statement in an office environment. Assembly required.
Wood Welded® Butcher Block Work Bench Tops are heavy-duty, hardwearing and favored for their ability to be easily resurfaced for a lifetime of use, these tops are built of laminated edge-grain northern hard rock maple. 3/8" radius edge for comfort. Factory-finished with Durakryl 102®, this tough non-toxic coating repels alcohol, bleach, paint thinner and most other solvents.
Montisa Learning Foundation Bases have all-welded, 1-section construction with reinforced 20 gauge side panels. 18 gauge doors have spring hinges, padlock hasp (locks sold separately) and knockout plug for cylinder lock. Gray baked enamel finish. Bases shipped set-up.
Locker openings: 16
Overall size: 108"W x 24"D x 33-1/4"H
Top size: 108"W x 24"D x 2-1/4"T
Base size: 96"W x 21"D x 31"H
Need a custom configuration for your workspace? Call Midwest at (800) 831-5904.