Much more effective than a textbook, these live-action DVDs help even the most computer illiterate understand computer terms and how peripherals, input devices and storage tools work. Students will also discover the range of opportunities available in home computing, business and industry.
3-DVD Series Includes:
- Computers At Work, 27 min. Viewers discover the many valuable yet routine tasks that computers are regularly performing. These include word processing, draw/paint programs, spreadsheets, inventory control, billing, check writing, CAD, CAM, computer analysis, and many others. And computers are often just as useful in the home as they are in business and industry. For many, a personal computer will become as indispensable as the kitchen sink.
- How Computers Operate. 25 min. How Computers Operate. 25 min. Information is one of the best ways to become comfortable with computers. Computer terms like circuit, byte, bit, megabytes, RAM, digital logic, motherboard, operating system, booting application, and many others will become familiar as viewers learn the basics shown in this program.
- Computer Peripherals. 24 min. Peripherals include devices that are not part of the computer but are tied directly to it, like printers (laser, dot matrix, ink jet, photographic imagesetters, and plotters), input devices (graphic tablet, modems, midi), and storage devices (internal/external drive, optical drive, CD-ROM). Viewers gain additional information and confidence in computer skills as each of these items is clearly detailed.
Instructional DVDs, Videos and Software are nonreturnable.