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Motor: 220V 3HP 1 Phase 60hz/12 Amp
CSA: Yes
Bed Size: 8" x 72"
Infeed Table Pull-Out Extension: 8"
Rabbetting Capacity: 1/2"
Fence Size: 38" x 4-3/4" Cast Iron
Fence Tilt: ±45/90°
Max. Depth Of Cut: 1/8"
Table Height From Floor: 31"
Safety Bar Shut-Off: Yes
Bracket To Mount Light: No
110V Outlet For Light: No
Bracket To Mount Feeder: No
Dust Port Diameter: 4"
Plug (NEMA 6-20P): Yes
Cutterhead Insert: 54 x 4-Sided Carbide, 6 Row
Cutterhead RPM: 5,500
Cutterhead Diameter: 3-1/8"
Bed Adjustment: Parallelogram
Dimensions Set Up (Approx): 75-1/2" x 26-1/2"
Base Footprint Dimensions: 32-1/2" x 15-1/2"
Weight: 458 lbs.
2 push blocks