Tests all common batteries to determine if they are charged or need replacement. Simply touch the red lead to the positive and the black lead to the negative on the battery. The tester will provide a battery level reading from the easy-to-read color-coded analog display.
Size: 3"L x 1"W x 4"H
Weight: .29 lbs.
Tests: 1.5V Button cells, 1.5V AAA, N, AA, C, D cells, 1.25V Nickel-Cadmium rechargeable cells, 3V Lithium cells, 6V Lantern and photo light meter cells, 9V Rectangular, 12V, 15V Photo cells, and 22.5V Photo and lantern cells
Voltage Rating: 1.5V to 22.5V
Includes test leads.
No internal battery required.