All bits have carbide tips, 8mm shanks, and are suitable for wood. Ideal for profiling wooden parts, creating grooves, and rounding off edges. Bits are securely stored and organized, and can be easily removed.
flush trim cutter HW D12.7/NL25 KL
dowel drill HW D5 x 30 Z
groove cutter HW D10/20 with drill point
groove cutter HW D18/30 with drill point
roundover cutter HW D16.7/R2 KL
roundover cutter HW D25.5 R6.3 KL
roundover cutter HW D31.7/R9.5 KL
chamfer cutter HW D36/45Grad KL
disc groove cutter HW D40 x 4
dovetail cutter HW D13, 8/15°