This is a complete prototyping kit based on microprocessor technology. It includes all necessary wires, parts, and components for numerous projects, plus online course materials and component lessons. Individuals and private classrooms with teacher access can create online groups with lesson assessments. Step-by-step start-up instructions for Windows, Mac, or Linux are available online and 3 lessons are available in print: blinking an LED, blinking 6 LEDs, and LCD display. Additional building instructions and programs are available online plus a community forum to share builds and ask questions.
Case size: 14" x 9" x 3"
Weight: 3.9 lbs.
Arduino NANO compatible microprocessor
acceleration sensor
ultrasonic distance sensor
IR remote controller
PS2 joystick module
stepper motor
ULN2003-based stepper motor driver
temperature and humidity sensor
LED bar graph array
active and passive buzzers
analog temperature sensor (thermistor)
power supply module
matrix keyboard
DC motor and driver
8 x 8 dot-matrix LED display
8-digit 7-segment display with shift register
7-segment LED display
light sensor (Photoresistor)
colored LEDs
resistors (2200, 1KO, 10KO)
potentiometers (10KO)
capacitors (104 and 10uF)
NPN and PNP transistors
battery holder
USB cable
male-to-male and male-to-female jumper wires
band resistor card
rotary encoder
oLed 64 x 128 module
Mosfet transistor
IR receiver module
8-digit 7-segment display module with driver
8 x 8 LED array with driver
real time clock module
10 LED strips
Mac, PC, or Linux-based computer for uploading programs to the Arduino-compatible processor, not included.